South Odisha Sahodaya School Complex (SOSSC) is an association of CBSE affiliated schools of South Odisha with its registered office at K.C.Public School Tata Benz Square,Berhampur. This platform has been created in consonance with the vision of CBSE Caring and Sharing that defines the very core of Sahodaya Movement.

‘Sahodaya’ a concept, meaning ‘Coming Together and Rising Together ’ itself stands to facilitate synergy of ideas among Member Schools of Sahodaya to achieve excellence in education .We at SOSSC aim to share innovative practices in all aspects viz Curriculum Design, Evaluation, Pedagogy and for providing support services for teachers & students at large.Thus it will ensure that, more knowledge is generated when a team committed to achieve a common goal works in tandem with a spirit of caring and sharing and promotes the relevance of educational practices like co-operative learning and collaborative networking .Energized by one another, The schools shall become much more purposeful,more goal  riented and will motivate each other towards achieving excellence in education. This would further be facilitated by Annual Sahodaya Conference held every year to evolve a viable and effective framework of action.

Diverse activities to be carried out by SOSSC shall include the following:

  • Orientation programs, seminars and workshops for Teachers, Students and Principals on various themes.

  • Joint programs on Examinations, Sports and Cultural Activities at Inter School Level.

  • Community Development programs such as Road Safety, Consumer Awareness, Health Awareness etc.

It is expected that the complex, once it becomes operational will keep on exploring more and more avenues as the members of the complex ideate and synergize.

The school complex will appreciably take steps to ensure that learning becomes more functional,more joyful, and more lasting.

We extend our invitation to every school in South Odisha to join South Odisha Sahodaya School Complex.